Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finally! A Definitive Resource for Noahides!

This year was an especially meaningful year for me. Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kipper took on a new dimension as I contemplated many struggles that I have had as a Jew.

One of my issues has been my concern for Noahides and what will the future hold if there is no meaningful support for gentiles who want to live a Torah observant life? Where will the next generation of Noahides come from if this generation gives up because the information and the support is not there?

That is the main reason, no the ONLY reason that I started this blog. A Noahide community can add so much, especially for those who are accustomed to having a religious community. In the meantime, to have a resource to use as a guide is truly an answer to prayer for many of us who want to help.

As non-Jews are becoming more interested in the message of the Torah, without necessarily feeling the need to convert, Ask Noah International has recently published "The Divine Code Vol. 1: The Guide to Observing G-d’s Will for Mankind, Revealed from Mount Sinai in the Torah of Moses" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner Edited by Dr. Michael Schulman.

This volume includes the sources for the commandments and discusses the rewards for non-Jews, for following the laws of Noah. This will ultimately be a 4 volume body of work, a long overdue guide for non-Jews.

For those of you who have more questions than I have answers, please check this out. I feel that this is truly a gift in the merit of all the non-Jews who are stepping away from the easy path, and choosing the yolk of Torah. I admire your courage and your determination to find your way to Hashem. May you be blessed accordingly.

You can check out this book and order it here.

Kol Tuv.


Brian said...

Shalom Eliana

I look forward to your blog and thank you for reaching out to the Bnai Noach.

Be Well.

Anonymous said...

Where do I find the actual scriptures containing the laws to Noah from God for the nations?

Thank you.